The Top 10 Teas for Weight Loss

A common misconception about weight loss teas is that they will cause instant weight loss; this simply isn’t true. However, by incorporating certain teas into your diet and lifestyle, you can enhance your efforts to lose weight and see better results. Here are the top eight teas for weight loss, starting with #1 and going to #8.

1) Greens Tea

Consuming green tea has long been known to promote weight loss because of its fat-burning effects. Green tea promotes thermogenesis, which burns fat by boosting your body’s production of heat and energy. The compounds in green tea also help block new fat cells from forming and breaking down existing ones. Additionally, l-theanine – an amino acid found in green tea – can boost your metabolism to aid in weight loss.

2) Sencha Green Tea

Studies have shown that green tea is more effective than other teas at boosting your metabolism, causing fat to burn and helping you shed extra pounds. Sencha tea contains an alkaloid called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), which has been found to be very effective at jump-starting weight loss. Find a good source of organic sencha—many grocery stores carry it—and drink about two cups of hot sencha each day, along with some fresh fruit. You’ll find your appetite decreases and you lose weight faster than you ever thought possible!

3) Gyokuro

If you’re looking to lose weight fast, you need to make sure that your diet is low in fat and high in fiber. In addition to being low in calories, tea leaves also contain large amounts of fiber that help promote regularity. Gyokuro contains high levels of polyphenols, which have been found to aid weight loss by reducing cholesterol and insulin resistance—two primary causes of obesity. Thus, drinking Gyokuro may improve your ability to lose weight fast without having to make any other changes. Even better: a 2006 study published in Bioscience, Biotechnology and Biochemistry found that taking green tea extract can boost fat burning by up to 24 percent—which means drinking it before meals could significantly reduce belly fat storage.

4) Genmaicha

This green tea is made by mixing sencha and rice, and it has a light, nutty flavor. Several studies have found that it can reduce weight in people who are overweight or obese. One study in particular—published in 2015—found that those who drank four cups of genmaicha every day lost more weight than those who didn’t (5.1 pounds versus 2.9 pounds). If you’re a big fan of matcha (and have no idea what genmaicha is), make sure you read our guide on matcha tea before checking out our list of other top matchas to try. And for more weight loss teas, check out these delicious and refreshing detox teas that are perfect for losing weight fast!

5) Ginger Tea

In terms of traditional weight loss teas, Ginger is one of most common ingredients. It speeds up your metabolism to help you burn more calories. In a small study, participants who added ginger to their diets lost a half-pound over 2 weeks (1). Another study found that ginseng, another kind of tea shown to be helpful in weight loss, improved metabolic functioning and lowered blood sugar levels (2).

6) Oolong Tea

Oolong tea is a great weight loss tea because it boosts your metabolism. It contains compounds that are unique to oolong tea and help increase fat oxidation rates. Drink two cups of oolong a day to get started on your weight loss journey. You should also note that oolong tea can lower cholesterol levels as well, helping you keep heart disease away while you lose weight! (9)

7) Rooibos

Rooibos has anti-inflammatory properties, which can aid in weight loss. It’s a high source of antioxidants and contains vitamins C, A and E as well as calcium, iron and magnesium. Drink rooibos tea instead of sugary drinks or coffee to lose weight fast. Rooibos also helps maintain cholesterol levels and reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels when consumed regularly. This can help reduce heart disease risk when combined with exercise. Research published in Frontiers in Pharmacology also revealed that consumption of Rooibos improved glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity [3].

8) Matcha

Matcha is a finely ground powder of uncommonly developed and handled green tea leaves. The major phytochemicals in Matcha are polyphenols, catechins, and caffeine. Catechins are antioxidants that help remove harmful free radicals from your body. Test subjects who drank Matchamori Tea lost an average of 5 pounds over 12 weeks (study conducted by company). It may also raise metabolism to a slight degree. This means you can eat more while maintaining your weight or lose more while doing a caloric deficit. For more information, read our full review on match and things to consider when purchasing some for yourself here .

9) Hibiscus Tea

This tangy tea has been popular in countries like Egypt and Mexico, but it’s recently made its way into mainstream North American culture. Hibiscus is a natural diuretic, which can be helpful if you’re trying to lose weight because fluid retention can make you appear bloated. Hibiscus also increases your body temperature slightly, which helps increase calorie burn. And when consumed with something sweet, hibiscus may help slow down your body’s absorption of sugar and calories from other foods.

10) Pu-Erh Tea

One of many varieties of tea, Pu-Erh tea (also known as fermented or aged black tea) is a delicious, low-calorie beverage. While green tea is considered to be one of the healthiest beverages on earth by some researchers, Pu-Erh may have a few extra benefits under its belt. It contains a natural compound called MoGro side V which has been shown to help with weight loss in animal studies. More studies are needed, but one study done on overweight individuals with prediabetes showed that those who consumed MoGro side V lost significant weight over 12 weeks and improved their glucose levels significantly more than subjects receiving a placebo did.