10 Tips to Gain Muscle Fast and It's Not All Exercise


The 10 Quickest Tips to Gain Muscle Fast

How to Build Muscle Fast – Building muscle is one of the main reasons people hit the gym, but it can be frustrating to try and figure out how to gain muscle fast. The best way to build muscle is by focusing on high intensity strength training in combination with high calorie intake, but you can gain muscle quickly even without hitting the gym if you know how to train smartly. Here are some tips on how to gain muscle fast, whether you’re looking to lose weight or just keep your body healthy and toned.

1) Sleep Right

In a perfect world, you’d get plenty of sleep (at least seven hours), eat a healthful diet and exercise daily. Unfortunately, we all have some downtime during which our fitness goals take a backseat. The truth is that one way or another—even when life is crazy—you can still meet your weight-loss goals by focusing on small ways to sneak in an extra workout every few days. You don’t need huge chunks of time for big workouts; an intense routine of 10 minutes or so will get you results and help keep you motivated for bigger workouts down the road. Learn about 15 quick tips to gaining muscle fast . . . without spending hours at the gym. Exercise Smarter: Exercise is good for us no matter what our fitness goals are.

2) Don't Starve Yourself

You might assume that skipping meals and fasting is a good way to lose weight, but going hungry can backfire. After just a few days of not eating, your body starts to think it's in hibernation mode. When your metabolism works at such a slow pace, you're more likely to store calories as fat—especially if you're trying to build muscle fast. Your best bet is regular meals spaced out evenly throughout each day with small snacks in between (e.g., every 2-3 hours). In general, smaller meals are also better for insulin sensitivity and digestion—so don't skip meals or starve yourself just because you want that six-pack now!

3) Use a Weight-Gain Powder

If you're not gaining muscle fast enough, try adding a weight-gain powder supplement to your diet. They're often packed with calories and protein, which can help keep you feeling full while you increase muscle mass. Many are fortified with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients as well. After all, it is difficult to gain fat if your body is getting all of its nutritional needs—and few gym-goers want that anyway! A good rule of thumb: As long as you don't go overboard on calorie consumption (no more than 20% above maintenance) or protein consumption (no more than about 2 grams per pound of bodyweight per day), these supplements should work in a pinch for building muscle without adding too much excess body fat along the way.

4) Consult Your Doctor if you're Underweight

If you’re not eating enough, your body will go into starvation mode and start storing everything you eat as fat. You’ll gain weight but much of it will be in an unhealthy way. Your skin will look pale and discolored, and you may feel weak or get sick easily. The key is to find a good balance between eating just enough calories (1,500 for women; 2,200 for men) and getting adequate nutrition from healthy foods (fruits, vegetables, dairy). If you want help designing a meal plan that works with your schedule and medical needs—or if you want help getting in shape when working out isn't an option—look into hiring a personal trainer. It's especially important if building muscle is one of your fitness goals.

5) Visit the Gym

Before you gain muscle, you first need to build a strong foundation by putting in a lot of work at the gym. You can't just walk into a gym and expect your body to change immediately. You have to learn what works for you and develop good habits before actually seeing results. It may take months, but once you get your body accustomed to working out on a regular basis, it'll be much easier for you to see changes in your physique. Put in as many hours as possible every week and don't give up. Consistency is key here; after all, muscles don't grow overnight!

6) Take Protein Shakes on the Go

If you're trying to build muscle and get in shape, protein shakes are a great way to supplement your diet and up your protein intake. If you find yourself without a blender, it's easy to make a smoothie with just your shaker cup or water bottle and a scoop of powder—you'll have an on-the-go breakfast or snack in no time! Be sure not to go overboard though; one cup of milk has eight grams of protein but two cups will give you 36 grams. A scoop of powder can contain anywhere from 20-30 grams per serving. That being said, extra protein is usually good thing when it comes to fitness goals. Just remember moderation is key.

7) Add Creatine Supplements in your Diet

Creatine supplements are a great way to give your muscles an added boost when you’re trying to gain mass. Not only does creatine help your body produce more energy, but it can also improve your strength, speed and overall performance in the gym—especially when working out under a heavy load. That’s why most professional athletes take it, as well as top-level strength trainers. If you want to bulk up as quickly as possible, creatine is one of your best bets. So buy yourself some creatine powder and add it into your diet if you really want big gains fast.

8) Buy Better Protein Bars

With protein bars being so easy to grab on-the-go and often packed with protein, they’re a great way to boost your daily intake. However, more often than not they are full of added sugar and artificial ingredients. This is definitely true for many supermarket brands. Even healthy varieties can be chalked full of added sugars, high in calories and even low in real protein content! When buying protein bars make sure you read nutrition labels carefully and aim for ones that have less than 100 calories, less than 5 grams of fat, around 15 grams of carbs (protein bars can have 20-30g or more) and at least 10g of real protein.


9) What the Eat to Get Big Muscle Fast

The main thing you need to eat to get big muscle fast is protein. Protein is essential for building lean muscle mass, and it’s also a vital component of every cell in your body. You should aim for at least 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight every day—more if you’re significantly overweight or trying to gain a lot of muscle quickly. Aim for 5-6 meals with some form of animal protein (meat, eggs, whey protein) each day with plenty of veggies on top (spinach, tomatoes). Also consider getting in extra carbs and healthy fats; whole foods like sweet potatoes, oats, nuts and olive oil are great choices. Experiment with different combinations so you can get enough variety in your diet without too much effort.


10) walking Daily

Going for a daily walk is an easy way to fit exercise into your routine. Walking isn’t just great for building muscle, it’s also good for your cardiovascular health. Go for a 20-minute walk during your lunch break every day or take a 30-minute power walk with friends on weekends. Your muscles will strengthen over time and you’ll get into better shape—bonus: it takes zero equipment and minimal time! The next time you want to work out, go ahead and skip it; chances are that within two weeks of going walking regularly, you won’t even feel like working out anymore. This is because of how muscles change when they don’t get any stimulus or use—they adapt.