How to Lose Weight in 8 Days

How to Lose Weight in 8 Days. Eight days sounds like an incredibly short amount of time, doesn’t it? But with the right combination of diet and exercise, that’s exactly how long it takes to start seeing real results! Follow this nutrition and diet plan exactly to get those pounds off fast—in just 8 days!

1) Prepare

The first step to losing weight is preparing your body for weight loss. Some people try crash diets or deprivation exercises. A better idea is to make small changes to your daily routine that get you ready for what's coming. The way you change your diet now will affect how well you lose weight later, so be patient! First and foremost, stop eating junk food! Junk food can sabotage any good intentions of nutrition planning by throwing off your metabolic rate and making exercise less effective (and more painful). Diet tip: Start eating healthy now.

2) Step On The Scale

Once a week, step on a scale. That’s it. By monitoring your weight, you’ll be able to tell whether you’re losing fat or gaining muscle. If your weight stays about the same over two or three weeks, that means you need to eat less (or burn more) and should revisit your plan of attack. If you see rapid weight loss, step back and reassess what you’re doing; if things aren’t working, try something new instead of clinging stubbornly to an old regimen. Rapid weight loss can be good (see above), but dropping pounds like crazy is almost always unsustainable—and dangerous—in the long run. Be patient and look for gradual improvements rather than some sort of miraculous transformation.

3) Use an App

Apps for tracking your weight and nutrition can be a useful way to figure out how your diet is helping or hurting your weight loss. There are many popular apps available, from MyFitnessPal and Livestrong, to more specific ones like Meal Logger. However, it’s best not to get overly reliant on technology. Sure, apps are great tools that can help with your weight loss journey; but at the end of the day you need to stay focused on what really matters: good nutrition (which has so much more than just calories) and exercise.

4) Avoid Junk Food

The first thing you should do is avoid all junk food, which usually comes in packages and you can find almost anywhere. This type of food is low on nutrition, but high on calories and fat. If you are serious about losing weight, there’s no room for it in your diet. Just say no!

5) Make it easy to eat healthy with these tips

If you want to lose weight, it can be helpful to consider what you’re eating now—and how you could change that up. To help get started, make a list of all your typical meals for a week. Don’t forget about snacks and drinks! Then figure out where you might have room for improvement—and what your goals are for weight loss overall. With that in mind, read on for some tips on how to begin making healthy changes.

6) Start your day with breakfast

Studies have shown that people who eat breakfast tend to weigh less than those who skip it. That’s because eating breakfast jump-starts your metabolism and helps keep you feeling full for longer. When you wake up, drink a glass of water with a few slices of lemon squeezed into it and eat something light. If possible, avoid sugar altogether during breakfast—you want your body’s blood sugar levels to rise slowly, as any spike will result in rapid energy loss. Research has found that when people go twelve hours or more without eating anything following their first meal of the day, they burn roughly 25 percent fewer calories throughout the day than those who break their fast earlier in the morning with a nutritious meal.

7) Work out even if you don’t want to!

You can’t expect to lose weight if you don’t work out. The reason you aren’t working out is because you are tired or feel lazy, but that isn’t healthy for you! Losing weight means that your body will become fitter and healthier. To start exercising, go walking around your neighborhood. Just 15 minutes of brisk walking a day should be good enough for you! If that seems like too much for right now, just try walking for 5 minutes before gradually increasing it until it is time for 15. Also remember not to eat snacks like chips or chocolate before exercising since they contain a lot of calories. Remember – keep exercising even if you don’t want to – and do it every day!

8) Stick with it!

No matter what diet or eating plan you try, don’t give up. This is one of those situations where failing forward fast works better than trying something new, quitting and starting over. Here’s why: Every time you attempt a change, your brain creates neural pathways so that doing it again becomes easier and easier. In other words, every time you start a new diet and quit—or cheat on it—you’re reinforcing habits that may prevent you from losing weight in the future.