Best Nuts to Consume for Weight Loss

There are many nuts out there that can be consumed to aid in weight loss. There are different kinds of nuts and they have very different tastes and health benefits, so let’s take a look at the nine best nuts you can consume for weight loss!

1) Almonds

These tiny, power-packed seeds are very nutritious and their crunch is a great addition to any salad. Almonds are considered as one of best nuts for weight loss. They contain protein and fiber and they are loaded with healthy fats. They help you feel full longer. A research study on almonds revealed that eating three ounces of almonds per day, helped overweight people reduce their food intake by up to 11 percent, over a two-week period!

2) Walnuts

A study from The University of Tennessee found that people who ate a diet high in monounsaturated fats and low in carbohydrates (whole, unprocessed foods) lost more weight than those who cut calories. What does that mean? It means that eating foods high in good fats—like nuts, avocado, olive oil, and fish—is key for successful weight loss. Walnuts are one of nature’s most perfect superfoods: they’re packed with fiber (that keeps you full), protein (that builds muscle), antioxidants (to neutralize free radicals), magnesium (for heart health), and omega-3 fatty acids (to keep your brain sharp). These little guys really are tiny powerhouses—and research shows it.

3) Pecans

A source of fiber, protein and unsaturated fat, pecans are also a good source of vitamins and minerals. They can help reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, which means your body will be less susceptible to heart disease. Pecans are also known as one of nature’s few plant sources of melatonin — a hormone that may play a role in reducing cancer risk as well as regulating sleep patterns. For weight loss purposes, it may be helpful if you include pecans on days when you’re trying to limit your caloric intake so that you don’t get too hungry between meals.

4) Brazil nuts

This is a true superfood. Brazil nuts are packed with nutrients and minerals including selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, manganese, copper and zinc. These nuts will help you lose weight faster because they are full of fiber which makes you feel fuller longer. Brazil nuts are high in calories but have no saturated fats or cholesterol so feel free to snack on these delicious little nuggets throughout your day. They’re also great for regulating insulin levels and blood sugar levels making them an excellent addition if you suffer from diabetes. Finally, although these nuts have high fat content most of that fat is monounsaturated which lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and improves heart health by reducing platelet stickiness thereby improving cardiovascular performance and lowering risk of heart disease and stroke.

5) Cashews

Cashews are a heart-healthy nut that’s full of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. Each serving contains 75 calories and 6 grams of fat, so they make a good snack when you’re trying to shed weight. Like other nuts, cashews contain monounsaturated fats (MUFAs), which are known for reducing cholesterol levels. They also help boost mood and cognitive performance by releasing serotonin in your brain—so it may be a good idea to add cashews into your diet if you want to lose weight fast. One study published in Appetite found people who snacked on 55 grams of raw cashews per day consumed less food than those who didn’t consume nuts during their study period.

6) Macadamia nuts

Unquestionably, one of the best nuts for weight loss. The delicious, buttery nuts contain monounsaturated fatty acids, which boost metabolism and reduce appetite. In a 2011 study published in Metabolism, researchers fed men 100-calorie packs of macadamia nuts and almonds on two separate occasions that consisted of either 500 calories or 800 calories. The test subjects had their metabolic rate tested after each snack and researchers discovered that those who consumed 100-calorie packs ate about 15 percent fewer calories than those who were given larger portions. (By comparison, snacking on higher calorie packs led to increases in fullness hormones).This is uplifting news in the event that you're attempting to get more fit!

7) Pumpkin seeds

When you need a nibble of something sweet or salty, a handful of hazelnuts does wonders. At only 161 calories per one-ounce serving, these nuts are one of the lowest-calorie snacks around. They're also rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats and high in protein, which will help keep your metabolism going all day long. Plus, they've been shown to reduce appetite. Nutty No more: Of course nuts are good for you - but how much is too much? A handful might be okay on most days, but did you know that just three walnut halves contain over half your daily recommended limit for sodium? It's true!

8) Pistachios

Pistachios are an excellent option because they contain fewer calories and more healthy fats than other types of nuts. In fact, pistachios are one of only a few nuts that contain any kind of dietary fiber. Pistachios also contain antioxidants called flavonoids, which have been shown to be effective in protecting against certain cancers. To further boost their weight-loss potential, pistachios are high in protein and fiber—which helps keep you feeling full throughout the day—and low in sodium. Try making roasted pistachio butter with cashews by blending them together for an indulgent treat you can use as a spread on turkey sandwiches or toss into salads and pasta dishes.

9) Hazelnuts

A study published in Appetite found that when people were served a meal on two separate occasions, one with hazelnuts and one without, they ate significantly less of their meal after consuming a single 30-gram serving of hazelnuts. What’s more, those who consumed hazelnuts felt fuller sooner and also reported feeling significantly less hungry compared to those who didn’t consume any. Hazelnuts are also packed with monounsaturated fats that can help you burn more fat while you work on your weight loss goals. Studies show that eating 1⁄4 cup of nuts like hazelnuts can prevent snacking by making participants feel full.